This is the educational website of Avi Magidoff L.Ac., providing information for acupuncturists and others on the special palpatory diagnostic techniques and comprehensive holistic approach I use to provide the space for healing. Treating and teaching for over 25 years, I have been offering this unique, results-oriented, no-nonsense approach to acupuncture
Family Acupuncture & Wellness is the leading Acupuncture and Functional Medicine provider in the Portsmouth, New Hampshire area and beyond. At our full-service Acupuncture and Functional Medicine clinic, our goal is to provide relief from suffering as quickly as possible, while always striving to help resolve the Root Causes that are causing the suffering
Preventative medicine: Acupuncture, Tui Na, Therapeutic Yoga and Herbal Remedies are incredibly effective modalities for staying healthy through the stresses of life. Acupuncture is a system of miracles. Being born was the first miracle of our lives. Acupuncture allows a rebirthing as we come back to balance and youth restored. A typical response to
What is Community Acupuncture? Community acupuncture involves treating multiple people at once in a large group setting. This allows patients to receive more frequent treatments at a lower fee, and thus more desirable results. The community setting is a common form of practice in Asia, and is now becoming more popular in the US. The group healing setting