Acupuncture is a proven treatment for pain syndromes. It reduces pain and promotes the healing of injured soft tissue. In addition to pain management, acupuncture is a time-tested approach to health care and wellness. Gentle, natural, and safe, it is used effectively to treat a variety of medical conditions. It builds energy, boosts the immune system
At Clear Stream Integrative Medicine we practice individualized, holistic, and patient-centered medicine. Our approach is to address the underlying causes of health problems rather than just treating symptoms. By treating the root causes of our patients' health concerns, and educating them about their body's unique needs along the way, we help them
Our practice offers a wide range of expertise. We work with patients of all ages and those as young as 2 years old. Our range of specialties include but are not limited to acute/chronic pain, sciatica, injuries, weight management, dementia, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, ADD/ADHD, hormonal imbalance, infertility, autoimmune disorders.
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