Based in Santa Cruz, Anne Chiaramonte, L.Ac., FABORM is a board-certified reproductive acupuncturist specializing in fertility, IVF support, pregnancy and gynecology. Chinese medicine has been supporting women for three thousand years. Rooted in this ancient medicine, our practice specializes in acupuncture and herbal therapy. Principles of holistic western medicine are folded into our approach to deliver a custom treatment plan for you - a plan that treats the root and not just symptoms.
Are you thinking about having children? Have you been trying to conceive for a while? Whether you are just starting your journey or have been trying for some time, we can build a comprehensive fertility plan that is customized just for you. Research continues to show the significant benefits of acupuncture alongside western fertility treatments. Our board-certified team knows how to integrate care with your medications and procedures to give you the best chance possible.
We treat women at every stage of life.
Are you thinking about having children? Have you been trying to conceive for a while? Whether you are just starting your journey or have been trying for some time, we can build a comprehensive fertility plan that is customized just for you. Research continues to show the significant benefits of acupuncture alongside western fertility treatments. Our board-certified team knows how to integrate care with your medications and procedures to give you the best chance possible.
We treat women at every stage of life.
Arrive Reproductive Medicine is an acupuncture practice dedicated to filling a gap in women's healthcare.
We offer the space for women to tell their stories, the experience to connect the dots of various symptoms and the time to create a custom treatment plan.
Our approach to healing is rooted in Chinese medicine, with acupuncture and herbal medicine as our main modalities.
Lab testing, liver detox, healing the gut and nutrition all play a role in delivering exceptional care to our patients with rewarding results.
We offer the space for women to tell their stories, the experience to connect the dots of various symptoms and the time to create a custom treatment plan.
Our approach to healing is rooted in Chinese medicine, with acupuncture and herbal medicine as our main modalities.
Lab testing, liver detox, healing the gut and nutrition all play a role in delivering exceptional care to our patients with rewarding results.
Acupuncture is the more than 3,000 year-old practice of placing fine needles in the body along meridians, or channels of energy.
Acupuncture is the main modality used in our practice to influence health benefits at every visit.
Before the first needle is placed, an extensive evaluation of the patient is conducted through asking questions, looking at the tongue, feeling the pulse on both wrists, and gaining clues from lab results and prior diagnoses.
Acupuncture is particularly effective at influencing hormones, making it a very powerful tool for balancing female and male hormones and regulating stress and anxiety.
Acupuncture is the main modality used in our practice to influence health benefits at every visit.
Before the first needle is placed, an extensive evaluation of the patient is conducted through asking questions, looking at the tongue, feeling the pulse on both wrists, and gaining clues from lab results and prior diagnoses.
Acupuncture is particularly effective at influencing hormones, making it a very powerful tool for balancing female and male hormones and regulating stress and anxiety.
I went to see Anne in a whole bunch of situations over the course of seven years- when I had back and neck problems, when I was battling stress, while I was trying to conceive my children, while I was pregnant, and postpartum.
Not only was the acupuncture and bodywork that she provided helpful, she became one of my most trusted wellness advisers and advocates.
She helped so much in preparing my body for pregnancy and birth - her labor induction points for both kids really got things going!
When I was having trouble conceiving my second child, she guided me through testing my hormone levels and when to involve my doctor.
Not only was the acupuncture and bodywork that she provided helpful, she became one of my most trusted wellness advisers and advocates.
She helped so much in preparing my body for pregnancy and birth - her labor induction points for both kids really got things going!
When I was having trouble conceiving my second child, she guided me through testing my hormone levels and when to involve my doctor.
Consulting Dr. Google will yield a thousand things a woman or couple can or "should" do to get pregnant.
All the interwoven details of anatomy and dynamic physiology around conception are intricate and powerful.
It is easy to get overwhelmed when we look at each detail separate from the big picture.
The sophistication of Chinese medicine comes from standing back to look at the whole picture to understand where the body needs the most support.
After a thorough evaluation based on western and eastern principles, our board-certified reproductive acupuncturist will deliver a plan tailored to your body and your history.
All the interwoven details of anatomy and dynamic physiology around conception are intricate and powerful.
It is easy to get overwhelmed when we look at each detail separate from the big picture.
The sophistication of Chinese medicine comes from standing back to look at the whole picture to understand where the body needs the most support.
After a thorough evaluation based on western and eastern principles, our board-certified reproductive acupuncturist will deliver a plan tailored to your body and your history.
We know that going through fertility treatment is a big investment.
Blending the latest research protocols with time-tested holistic medicine, our acupuncture program optimizes your chances of pregnancy while keeping you, as a whole person, at the center of our care.
Increase your chances of becoming pregnant with our three-month acupuncture program before your fertility treatment cycle.
Egg quality is often the single most common determinant of how successful a cycle is, especially for women over the age of 35 or who have diminished ovarian reserve or premature ovarian failure.
Blending the latest research protocols with time-tested holistic medicine, our acupuncture program optimizes your chances of pregnancy while keeping you, as a whole person, at the center of our care.
Increase your chances of becoming pregnant with our three-month acupuncture program before your fertility treatment cycle.
Egg quality is often the single most common determinant of how successful a cycle is, especially for women over the age of 35 or who have diminished ovarian reserve or premature ovarian failure.
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