Public Health Acupuncture of New Mexico is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to making acupuncture accessible in New Mexico. Our activities include a community acupuncture clinic in Albuquerque, ear acupuncture for addictions (acudetox) programs, acudetox trainings, continuing education in public health topics for acupuncturists, a NM medical reserve corps and program evaluation.
Provide technical support to substance user treatment, prevention and harm reduction programs to develop acudetox and other acupuncture programs. Provide acupuncture supplies, insurance, and supervision (as required by law) on a case-by-case basis for acudetox programs and specialists.
Provide technical support to substance user treatment, prevention and harm reduction programs to develop acudetox and other acupuncture programs. Provide acupuncture supplies, insurance, and supervision (as required by law) on a case-by-case basis for acudetox programs and specialists.
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