Cindi Ignatovsky, DACM LAc
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From personal experience, Cindi knows what it's like to have a challenging medical condition and be bounced around to doctors and tests without improvement or answers. That life experience inspired her private acupuncture practice, where she helps patients navigate their own health challenges. Cindi's comprehensive treatments integrate acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and nutritional and lifestyle counseling.

She creates a customized treatment plan for each client, drawing from both conventional medical tools, such as lab work, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnosis and treatment methods. Her clients receive the wisdom of both Eastern and Western medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine can restore balance at any stage in a woman's life. Cindi specializes in the health issues that arise from onset of puberty to menopause.

Some of the women's health conditions that Cindi successfully treats include menstrual irregularities, hormone imbalances, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, PCOS, and menopausal symptoms.
My office is conveniently located between the Pruneyard Shopping Center and downtown Campbell, in the Greylands Professional Office Center, just minutes from Los Gatos, Saratoga, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale and downtown San Jose.
Whether you are using Traditional Chinese Medicine alone or in combination with other care, you will receive a treatment protocol designed specifically for you, providing a comprehensive road map to your best health.
If you are interested in how acupuncture can help you, or if you would like to schedule an appointment, please send me an email.
General Info Location and contact information are found on my contact page and you can sign up for my monthly newsletter.
Online Pharmacy for Supplements I have set up online stores for existing patients to purchase the supplements that I recommend!
Wellevate, through Emerson Ecologics, is my main online pharmacy.
Here you will find most of the products I recommend, and you are also free to shop the entire site.
All orders purchased through your Wellevate account will receive a 10% discount!
You may order Thorne Research products through the Wellevate store or directly from Thorne.
Your first appointment will start with a thorough assessment of your illness or condition along with your first acupuncture treatment.
Reviewing your health history, discussing your issues, and your first treatment may take as long as 2 hours, depending on your situation.
Generally, additional treatments are about 45-50 minutes duration.
During this assessment, you may be asked about elements of your life that you might not have considered to be related to your main complaint.
For example, sleeping habits and patterns, your emotional situation, your diet and eating habits, and other lifestyle matters.
Cindi is fantastic!
I'd never tried acupuncture before coming to see Cindi, and am so glad that I finally did.
She's been so supportive of me, and is always professional and compassionate.
Not only were her acupuncture treatments life changing, but she also listened to my concerns and made me feel validated and understood.
I have been seeing Cindi for a few years, and doing so has made my quality of life much better!
She has helped me with various health problems, without more chemicals in my system.
In the United States, approximately 9 million people are currently having difficulty trying to conceive.
There is a one in eight chance that either you or someone you know is affected by fertility problems.
For women under age 35, infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of actively trying.
For women age 35 and over, infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after six months of actively trying.
Infertility also includes the inability to carry pregnancies to term (recurrent miscarriages).
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