East West Healthcare Consultants
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Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Acupuncture & Herbs, is a summary of the experience of the ancient people's struggle against disease for thousands of years. It has been tested and proved by billions of patients. Vast knowledge and experience of Acupuncture & herbs has been accumulated in prevention and control of disease and related problems. Acupuncture and herbs are invaluable for their rich practical knowledge and experience and as a unique, integrated, theoretical Chinese health care system.

This system has been established since ancient times. In the past decades, a resurgence of Acupuncture & herbs, these traditional Chinese health care art has come through the "Bamboo Curtain". A great deal of interest has been generated by Acupuncture & herbs theories and practices. Now Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture & herbs, are highly regarded by the international community.

The United Nations' World Health Organization recommends Acupuncture & TCM to the world, as a primary health care system.
Major part of Traditional Chinese Medical methods are Acupuncture and Chinese herbs, Those tools were only ones taught in doctor program in most TCM universities in China.
As a formally trained Chinese medical doctor from China, Dr. Wu specializing in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology, will bring the true essence and value of this ancient medicine into modern America people's life.
Our goal is to provide the highest standard of Chinese medicine and quality service to the community.
Of marked efficacy and requiring but simple equipment, it has been widely popular in China and elsewhere for thousands of years.
Like other branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture has been developed on the basis of traditional Chinese medical principles.
This acupuncture system has been established since ancient times.
In the last few decades, a resurgence of this Chinese health care art has come through the "Bamboo Curtain".
Acupuncture has generated great interest and is highly regarded by the international community.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, is the summary of the experiences of the Chinese people struggling against disease and pain for thousands of years.
It is invaluable, both for its rich practical knowledge, and as a unique, integrated, theoretical healthcare delivery system which has been established and utilized since ancient times.
The major components of TCM are Acupuncture (needling) and Herbology.
Chinese Herbs is a central and important part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Why turn to Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, as an alternative, when we already have nutritional supplements, Western herbs, massage, chiropractic, homeopathy, and a dozen other health care options that were primarily developed in the U.S. and Europe?
It is because all the health care aids mentioned above do not fully cope with the complexity of health issues that arise.
Despite the progress made in modern and alternative medicine, there are substantial deficiencies in the treatment of cancer, heart disease, AIDS, arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, and diabetes and other metabolic diseases.
There are many information and articles about Traditional Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs treating various pathological, physiological and psychological problems.
Following are few samples and information about Acupuncture Cost Effectiveness; Pain and Neuro-Muscular problems; Fertility/ Infertility; Childbirth and Labor; Women's problems, Fibroid & Endometritis; Menopausal Symptoms; Depression & Anxiety; Insomnia; High Blood Pressure; Cancer; Respiratory System's Problems; Digestive System's Problems; Hearing, Weight and Addiction problems, Cosmetic Acupuncture.
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