Acupuncture is new to the western world, but very old in the Far East. Acupuncture has been used in China for at least 3600 years. Today one-third of the world's population (perhaps 2 billion people) depends, in part, on acupuncture for health care. It is used extensively in the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Viet Nam, and Japan.
Acupuncture's effectiveness is just being discovered in the United States, Canada and Europe. Acupuncture is the balancing of the body's energy system to bring about healing. It is based on the idea of yin and yang, the Oriental concept of opposites balancing in oneness. The Chinese theorize that energy, called "qi" (pronounced chee), flows through the body.
Normally, "qi" flows in a free and balanced manner along defined channels inside the body and on the surface of the skin. To the Chinese, this means there is balance of yin and yang resulting in proper function of body and mind. In the West we call this "homeostasis." The result is pain-free good health!
Acupuncture's effectiveness is just being discovered in the United States, Canada and Europe. Acupuncture is the balancing of the body's energy system to bring about healing. It is based on the idea of yin and yang, the Oriental concept of opposites balancing in oneness. The Chinese theorize that energy, called "qi" (pronounced chee), flows through the body.
Normally, "qi" flows in a free and balanced manner along defined channels inside the body and on the surface of the skin. To the Chinese, this means there is balance of yin and yang resulting in proper function of body and mind. In the West we call this "homeostasis." The result is pain-free good health!
The Borgstrand Clinic uses acupuncture together with other methods to get people well and keep them well without drugs or surgery.
CHIROPRACTIC (Greek: "done by hand"): the adjusting of the joints of the spine, arms, legs, skull and jaw to improve joint and muscle function and to restore normal nerve flow to the body.
All chiropractic adjustments are done by hand.
CHINESE PHYSIOTHERAPY: the use of tui-na (pronounced twee naw: literally "push/pull"), gua sha (pronounced gwaw saw: literally "skin scraping"), cupping and bonesetting to restore normal joint, nerve and muscle function, detox the body and to balance energy.
CHIROPRACTIC (Greek: "done by hand"): the adjusting of the joints of the spine, arms, legs, skull and jaw to improve joint and muscle function and to restore normal nerve flow to the body.
All chiropractic adjustments are done by hand.
CHINESE PHYSIOTHERAPY: the use of tui-na (pronounced twee naw: literally "push/pull"), gua sha (pronounced gwaw saw: literally "skin scraping"), cupping and bonesetting to restore normal joint, nerve and muscle function, detox the body and to balance energy.
The most common problem we treat with our methods is pain.
Pain is nature's way of telling us something is not working right.
This includes pain in any part of the body.
We do everything within our training and experience to reduce or end your pain as quickly as possible without drugs.
PLEASE NOTE: In the Far East, acupuncture and other non-drug, non-surgery methods are used to treat all health problems.
These methods help billions of people of all ages at low cost.
Regardless of your health problem, condition, age, or what other doctors have told you, we may be able to help you improve the quality of your life.
Pain is nature's way of telling us something is not working right.
This includes pain in any part of the body.
We do everything within our training and experience to reduce or end your pain as quickly as possible without drugs.
PLEASE NOTE: In the Far East, acupuncture and other non-drug, non-surgery methods are used to treat all health problems.
These methods help billions of people of all ages at low cost.
Regardless of your health problem, condition, age, or what other doctors have told you, we may be able to help you improve the quality of your life.
On your first visit to the Borgstrand Clinic we do a thorough consultation and examination.
We take time to really listen to you about your health problem, followed by a careful examination.
We do many tests to find the cause of your problem.
After Dr. Borgstrand and Lilo go over your results, you receive an explanation of our diagnosis and proposed treatment plan in plain English.
Dr. Borgstrand will always recommend what his training and experience tells him is best.
But you always have a choice.
We take time to really listen to you about your health problem, followed by a careful examination.
We do many tests to find the cause of your problem.
After Dr. Borgstrand and Lilo go over your results, you receive an explanation of our diagnosis and proposed treatment plan in plain English.
Dr. Borgstrand will always recommend what his training and experience tells him is best.
But you always have a choice.
In order to keep fees down, we do not file insurance for you.
At each visit you pay us and we give you a receipt that includes all the information you need to file your own claims with your insurance company.
Your insurance company will reimburse you directly.
None of our services are covered by Medicare or Medicare supplemental insurance.
We do not accept Medicaid, Workers' Compensation, or personal injury (auto accident) patients.
At each visit you pay us and we give you a receipt that includes all the information you need to file your own claims with your insurance company.
Your insurance company will reimburse you directly.
None of our services are covered by Medicare or Medicare supplemental insurance.
We do not accept Medicaid, Workers' Compensation, or personal injury (auto accident) patients.
No doctor ever cured anything.
What we do is to assist you in removing the interferences to your body's own natural ability to heal itself.
No matter what your condition, age, or what you have been told by other doctors, we may be able to help.
For acute conditions we may see you every day for a time.
For most conditions, however, a three times a week schedule is best.
Less frequent visits can be arranged but it means it is going to take longer to get results.
For patients coming long distances more than one visit per day can be scheduled.
What we do is to assist you in removing the interferences to your body's own natural ability to heal itself.
No matter what your condition, age, or what you have been told by other doctors, we may be able to help.
For acute conditions we may see you every day for a time.
For most conditions, however, a three times a week schedule is best.
Less frequent visits can be arranged but it means it is going to take longer to get results.
For patients coming long distances more than one visit per day can be scheduled.
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